Wednesday 30 September 2009

1st night in rio


rio´s great. its official. instead of the football we went on a walkaround tour of the city today (not with any guide, just with some dots on a map) accompanied by louis (a recent graduate from cameroon living in DC) and michelle (some nutty belgian campervan owner who handily enough lives in gent where theres a massive street festival)

tonight was kinda wierd, bit like a swing night...but latino. only couples danced and the band were awesome. they also drink these strange lemony cocktails with what i think was tequila in them. but it couldbt be or else i wouldnt have wanted them. and i did. lots.

wicked chicken-based meal nearby too - heres us:

i think were gonna have to get another coach for the next bit. boo. its like, 170 quid for a flight and i cant justify that for an hours airtime. the alternative is 23 hours on a bus, but if we convince ourselves that we´ll see some nice things out the window and that another day in rio AND the nights acommodation isnt worth that much to us then itll be fine, right?

anyhoo - time for bed. favela tour tomorrow apparently. and we MUST do some laundry, theres only so much a compression sack can contain.


PS - thanks for the messages from home and from those we met on this trip too, they mean the absolute world xxx

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo jealous of you guys. It looks like you're having a super awesome wicked time - of which I am very glad.

    Keep up the blogging - it's nice to hear how jammy you are, so that kickings on your return will be of appropriate magnitude.

    big love. x x
