Wednesday 30 September 2009

On the busses

ello :)

so....the last few days has been a bus tour of a small section of the coast of brazil. we started off in salvador and got an overnight bus to porto seguro. clearly we needed to pass the time so we armed ourselves with a 4 quid bottle of rum and some coca cola. check out the stereotype branding.....nice.

an overnight coach took us to porto seguro which is basically coastal brazil's answer to bournemouth. proper seaside town that loads of brazilians go to on holiday. lots of shops selling lilos and cheap cafes selling pay-by-weight grub. top.

we had a look around then decided the best thing to do with this day would be to hire this:

cue much hilarity driving up and down the coast and generally feeling like something out of herbie goes to monte carlo. i swear, the thing was a bug with a different shell on it. loadsaloadsa fun! theres a movie file on the way once ive had a chance to edit all the videos we took....seriously fun few hours was had. amazing scenery and a great way to break my driving-on-the-right-hand-side duck.

quite knackered, another coach overnight took us to vitoria which, to be frank, was a bit of a shithole. not much to do and not really a tourist town. was great to see some of the slightly real-er side of brazil but when you have 12 hours till your coach and nothing to do this can prove a problem after the novelty has worn off ;)

luckily, we found a completely gorgeous park to hang out in and catch up on some chilling-out time.

played shitloads of backgammon and met a lovely local lad called ezekiel who wants to learn english so we all got some language practice. ive subsequently decided that foreign email-pals are gonna be a really handy way to learn languages for future travelling expeditions. wicked.

they even had those really cool tables with chequers boards built into them. as modelled here by trickys glasses. if neo played chess, i reckon he'd look like this ;)

yet another overnight coach (and stinking to high heaven) we managed to get our hungover arses to rio with plenty to show for it. im REALLY glad we didnt just fly back down - the coaches cost more than the flights but we got to see 2 more places and get a load of new fun things in. plus, the coaches were the plushest ever. one for sophie here - it would seem we no longer have to pity tall people on public transport! well, as long as they only get long-haul coaches in brazil....check out the legroom - as modelled of course by the smallest-legged person in the world:

so yeah, thats about it. in rio now and i reckon a couple of tours today. theres a favela (slum) tour which seems odd but is apparently really good and i do wanna see some of that bit while im here so if theres a way to do it, i never thought id say this again but, i think im going to a football match a bit later too. when in rome n all that.

thatll do for now then, much love!

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