Wednesday 7 October 2009

iguaçu falls


so we´re now in argentina - another country, another passport stamp. mines starting to look a little bit less embarassingly empty now. which is nice.

anyhoo, final day in Brazil saw us visiting the Iguaçu Falls, which has two sides to it as the border runs down the middle of the river. day one was the brazillian side and it was a lovely, lovely day to be out.

23 hours on a coach and we were glad to find the hostel and chill out for a couple of hours before heading off to the national park. the falls are utterly spectacular. spread out over a load of space and lots of different actual falls to see.

am very glad that tricky suggested seeing it. plus we found the only hostel ever with an ´honesty policy´ bar which meant i was feeling slightly the worse for wear. plus they had like, 4 types of gin and rasberry bacardi. yum.

the next day was slightly different. itd been raining solidly all night and morning meaning a very different experience. the falls which (on the previous day) were bloody noisy and very cool, had changed to flat out angry and just awe-inspiringly huge.

the noise was unbelievable. overall, im proper glad the weather was so bad. it just made the whole experience that much more intense and you got a really good feel for the utter power of the things. plumes of water 5 feet thick going over the edge. mental.

once again we were lucky enough to meet some very cool people. here´s tricky with mike and yanni from melbourne. lovely couple and were good enough to offer to ping us a couple of pictures when i managed, over the course of the day to completely screw my camera.

must have got steam in the lens or something cos it now looks like all the pictures we take are in the most poorly-vented coffee shop in amsterdam. oops. heres a very cloudy one of us at the junction between argentina, brazil and paraguay.

not sure about tonight - i think its the barmaids birthday at this hostel or theres a full-moon party on at a club in town. only a few days left now - best start checking gumtree for somewhere to live when i get home *gulp!*

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