Saturday 10 October 2009

Last day. booo!


so, that time has come. the time for us to come home, we leave BA in an hour for the 20 or so total hours its gonna take us to get back. last few days have been superb - once again we´ve lucked out massively with the hostel that weve ended up in. aussie run place with great staff and plenty of advice on what to do.

we took some of their bikes out for a day to see the city from a bit of a different perspective and also realise that there arent that many cyclists in this city for a reason. not exactly considerate, the motorists.....great day though and i got to ride this

is that the most gorgeous bike youve ever seen or what??

so the bike tour took us first to the cemetery which was very impressive indeed - all the rich families in the city have like, these private crypts for their dead relatives but the levels of opulence are like nothing ive ever seen. some of them were the sizes of small houses! lots more pics of that to follow.

i also discovered that if you say "streetperformer" too quickly then you can sound like youre saying "stripper" to someone who doesnt have english as a first language. with hilarious consequences ;)

onward took us to the japanese gardens which were gorgeous. im a amssive fan of bansai trees and there were loads of them to look at plus gigantic koi carp in the most immaculately maintained setting. not exactly what i expected to see in argentina but completely beautiful. again, lots more pics to follow.

yesterday involved going out with tricky and puddin (guy from the hostel who really wanted to give it a try) to busk a bit and try to flog some origami to passers by. basically, i stood on his shoulders and juggled while tricky made coloured paper models.

seemed like the thing to do and was muchly well received by the people here. didnt exactly make a pile of cash but we definitely raised more than a few smiles. saw a tango streetshow too, theyre quite into it over here...might have to learn to speak spanish properly i think.....

last night was the last night of the trip so we decided that only a proper argentinian steak would do. recommended by the hostel, we found an awesome place. 800g ribeye between the two of us and more sides than you could shake a stick at. just the job.

got mostly very drunk last night while studiously expanding the bar´s collection of origami and playing jenga.

so yeah, thats about it. if you wanna get a link for the rest of the pictures then just drop me a line, ill be whacking them up on some webspace and boring you all to tears about them for the next 6 months or so im sure ;) its been utterly amazing, ill be back here i reckon. massive thanks to anyone who might read this who was part of making this month so awesome. not least tricky - you rock!

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